
Using/Taking Videos

For the past two years, I have been using destreaming.com in my classroom. With the help of the librarian (shout out to Mrs. Urhig!), I was able to connect a computer to a TV in my room. A simple task you might say, but actually very difficult when not provided with the technology to do so. Anyway, she helped me out, and now I play videos at least twice a week in my room, sometimes more. It is a great way to build background for most students, in reading. It is also a great way to introduce concepts in science. I also use it to reinforce skills in math. This program was purchased by our county, so it is free for me to use as an educator in Winston Salem Forsyth County Schools.

I always carry my phone with me, wherever we go (partially because I don't have a watch). I always find it useful for those Kodak moments. I am beginning to use it for videos as well. Last year, I used it to record my extreme behavior problems. The students knew I would show their parents the video, or even send it to them, so they always got in order when I pulled the phone out. This year, I am very greatful for a well behaved class. I do not need to use it for behavior problems. I now have time to use it for more educational purposes. The first video I took at school was my students reciting the hallway chant. I am in the process of putting it on teachertube.com. (I have to wait for a confirmation email before I can upload).

My school did post this video: It's awesome!


Learning with Lisa said...

I LOVE the video. My daughters think it's great too!

Melissa said...

What great ideas you have using technology! Your students are so lucky! I like the idea of using your cell phone. I had not thought about that. Love the hallway chant and videos. Mrs. Uhrig is a great addition to our staff!

Melissa said...

I like your tag cloud and the background on your blog! I tried voicethread for the first time yesterday. Emory (from Technology) pointed me in that direction when I wanted to upload some of the powerpoints my students created (3rd graders). I really liked it and the ease of what I as trying to do.