
Working and thinking

I have always enjoyed blogging. I have actually done it for several years. I never thought about all the possibilities of using it with a first grade class. I have actually set up a blog for my classroom http://diggsroom114.blogspot.com. I have spoken with the media specialists to see if there is anyway they can fit in some time to teach my students how to navigate through it. I added a rockyou series of pictures to the blog. I was bummed to find out that rockyou is blocked by Winston Salem forsyth county schools. I hope to find one that is not blocked...but something tells me the school system has it all blocked. I might just have to upload pictures, instead of trying something fancy.

These were the ideas I had on the pretest, on the first night of class: Computer, internet, monitor, netTracker, wiki, blogs, webpages, web portal, PC, MAC, websites, keyboard, email, JPEG, GIF, programs, SmartBoards, webcamera, microphone, mouse, wireless, laptop, desktop, overhead, cookies, spam, history, instant messaging, telephone, cellphone, browser, applications, virus, Adobe, Word, Microsoft, MSN, google, ask.com, webquest, link, web. Granted, we were given a time limit, but that doesn't seem like a whole lot. I am sure that by the end of this class I will have a lot more terms related to technology.

And here is my KWL...can't wait to see all the things I had to the learned section!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

aww, sawa, taking an ed tech class...that was a good one