
Digital Photography

Digital photography is something that I have been trying to incorporate into my classroom. I have always taken pictures of my students doing various activities. But this is the first year that I have encouraged students to take their own pictures. Because they are just learning how to operate a camera, I have been letting them use disposable cameras. Due to the cost, I do not have digital copies of these pictures. And due to time restraints, I have not yet been able to scan them.
I have put on Donorschoose.org a request for digital cameras (one for each student). It has been posted for a month, but no one has donated anything. :(
I debated what I was going to work on for this particular digital lesson reaquirement. I really wanted to create some sort of video for my students using their work on lessons dealing with pumpkin life cycles. However, I quickly remembered that our computers and firewall at school suck! And most of the free programs do not work. SO-I came up with something else. We will be beginning a diversity unit for second quarter. I thought a great way to introduce this broad term would be to show students pictures of myself, when I was their age.

I also thought it would be a great idea to show them pictures of themselves, and compare each other, but not just physically.
I created a power point presentation to show my students and have a dicussion at the same time.


Tar Heel Reader

I enjoyed making my own book, using flickr images. I hope to use this story with my growing emergent reading group this week.

Pumpkins, Pumpkins, Pumpkins

I found some other great books to read with that group as well:

Orange pumpkin, orange pumpkin, what do you see?


Facebook and Myspace

I use both facebook and myspace. I enjoy using both, and find myself going to both everyday. I mostly use myspace for friends and family. I do limit what I publish on it, but not a whole lot. Facebook is for anyone. I allow parents as well as coworkers to be my "friend". I closely monitor what I publish on facebook. Sometimes work and personal life need to be two seperate things. At least for my sanity.



I am highly frustrated with my WebQuest. I designed it years ago, on word, and publishing it through Publishers. It has since disappeared. I was however, able to recover the word document. I tried my best to copy and past in GardenQuest. I am not impressed. I need to go back and touch up some things..."fancy-it-up"!

Mayan WebQuest


Blogging With Ms. Feinman's Class

Yay! My students did it! They all (minus one) responded to a post I made on my classroom blog!! With the help of the media teacher, Mrs. Uhrig, they learned how to get to the blog, find the post, and comment on the post. Just amazing! We have decided that for the next post they respond to, they are going to type the home row keys. Our specialist wants to get them away from hunting and pecking. I'm not sure how well that will work, but hey, I didn't even think they could work with the blog! And they did! WOOHOO!!! I just wish I had taken a picture of it!


Social Bookmarking

I have been playing around with blinlist.com for social bookmarking. I am not a huge fan, but I have already spent so much time uploading links, that I really do not want to do it another site.

One of my friends uses this site: http://ww2.ikeepbookmarks.com/browse.asp?account=178739&t=7%2F30%2F2007+3%3A42%3A27+PM

What sites do you use? Why did you choose to use that site?